Simple Promise™

Texas Woman Sheds
67 Lbs Before Daughter’s
Wedding With THIS

Her story, and how you can too.

Texas Woman
Sheds 67 Lbs Before Daughter’s Wedding With THIS

Her story, and how you can too.

“Ugh. This doesn’t fit, again.”


“You don’t get it, do you? You've always been so... accepting of your body.”

My daughter’s words cut me like a knife.

We were at a bridal shop… giddy with excitement, as we picked up our dresses for her upcoming wedding.

Yet with her one remark, the room
turned icy

I tried to tell myself she was anxious with her wedding being around the corner…

That she didn’t mean it.

But all I could do was fight back tears…

And cross my arms over my bulging belly—
a constant reminder that 67 lbs of unflattering fat clung to my body.

I glanced at the full-length mirror in the dressing room…

And you know what?

She Was Right—
I Had Let Myself Go.

A sagging double chin… chunky cottage-cheese arms…
and a bloated belly with pudgy love handles...

Stuffed into high-waisted leggings that barely kept everything in.

I saw a stranger who’d lost the same 3 lbs—fifteen times.

It’s hard and embarrassing for me to share all this… But God has given me the courage to do it.

My Daughter’s Painful Rebuke
Led Me to Discover a Forgotten Tribal Tonic...

That melted off 67 lbs of stubborn fat on my face, back, belly,
arms, and thighs… All before the wedding.

The real surprise?

In a recent randomized placebo-controlled study, participants who tried this tribal tonic shed 28 lbs in just weeks...

Without dieting, exercise, surgery, pills, teas, or gummies.

Imagine what it can do for you.

It transformed me...

An exhausted and emotional wreck, ashamed of my body with a dress size of 22…

An exhausted and emotional wreck, ashamed of my body with a dress size of 22…

Into an energized and confident woman, with a dress size of 6!

Into an energized and confident woman, with a dress size of 6!

  • I lost 17 inches off my waist.
  • My cellulite is gone.
  • My joints feel cushioned.
  • My skin is glowing again...
  • And I’m off my blood pressure and cholesterol meds.

See, I Set Out to Prove to
My Daughter and Myself That I Still Had That Fight in Me…

To finally lose the weight for good.

It led me to a chance encounter with the “fat-loss expert to the stars”...

Whose work has made headlines in USA Today, NBC News, First For Women magazine, 50plus magazine, and countless other publications.

And it introduced me to the last place you’d expect:

A newly-explored island off the coast of West Africa.

Known as the home of one of the healthiest—and most reclusive—tribes on Earth…

It’s a place where obesity doesn’t exist.

The tribal tonic that these indigenous people drink has nothing to do with hormones, genetics, gut health, or the thyroid.

Yet it’s since been validated by Harvard, Stanford, and Johns Hopkins ***

And recognized for effectively tackling
the #1 root cause of weight gain in people over 40.

It’s a new biological pathway we didn’t know existed…

Until a landmark paper proved it turbocharges your metabolism by 275%!

This Tribal Tonic Tackles
What Researchers
Stagnant Fat Syndrome.

A condition that mutates your fat cells,
making them “sticky”...

So they clump together under your skin and around your organs, clogging your body…

Like vehicles stuck in a traffic jam caused by a broken stoplight.

If you feel like fat just “clings” on to your body, now you know why.

The incredible news is, this tribal tonic contains a powerful compound that unclogs your system by breaking up your stuck fat, before flushing it right out of your body.

It’s 100% natural and safe.

Since Its Arrival in the States,
This Tribal Tonic Has Given Over 102,545 Americans Like You...

The one—final—weight-loss solution
they’ve been looking for.

“The brain fog I’ve been suffering
from for years just went away and I’m sharper than ever.”

“I’d been thin all my life. But I had 3 kids, and gained more and more weight during each pregnancy—in total, 54 lbs.

Now, I’ve lost all those pounds. I feel fabulous, and I’m wearing cute dresses again, and getting attention like in my younger years.

Oh, and something happened that I didn’t expect: The brain fog I’d been suffering from for years just went away, and I’m sharper than ever.”

— Patricia, 43 (Miami, Florida)

“I lost 36 lbs,
and the other day...”

“I’m a retired firefighter with 3 kids and 4 grandkids. I can outrun and outwork all of them. I lost 36 lbs, and the other day—just for giggles—I put on my old wrestling gear from college. Man, I looked fit, and my wife loved it.”

— Sean, 69 (Des Moines, Iowa)

“It’s been 6 months since then and
I’ve lost a staggering 49 pounds of ugly fat!
I’m a changed woman. ”

“I’d been chubby all my life, and tried every trendy diet over the past 25+ years. There is so much pressure to look fit—especially out here on the West Coast with the beach culture.

Nothing worked, until I started following this simple ritual. I dropped 7 lbs the first week. It’s been 6 months since then, and I’ve lost a staggering 49 lbs of ugly fat!

I’m a changed woman. And I’ve found this self-esteem I never thought I had. And that’s not all. My husband, who’d seemed to have lost interest in me after our second child was born, now can’t keep his hands off me. If I’d only known about this solution sooner…”

— Linda, 55 (San Diego, California)

  • Imagine never having to worry about family members, close friends, and strangers judging you for your size...
  • And once again experiencing the bliss of love-making with your spouse…
  • Confident your trim body is more than doing it for them.
  • You can wave goodbye to the stress, guilt, and shame of eating out...
  • And indulge in pies, pizza, burgers, and ice cream…
  • Knowing every bite will be burned like jet fuel, giving you boundless energy that makes life fun again.

I’ll Also Share the Worst Morning-Time Mistake You’re Making, to Attempt to Burn Fat…

In reality, it grinds your metabolism to a screeching halt.

Plus, you’ll discover the worst fruit you can eat, if you’re overweight.

That’s right—fruit!

And it’s likely sitting in your kitchen at this moment.

But fair warning: My story has now gone “viral”, and it’s ruffled the feathers of a few Big Pharma executives.

That’s because my discovery is threatening to implode their $190-billion money machine.

So before I get shut down for telling the truth, here’s what you need to know in 3 minutes or less:

It Doesn’t Matter if You’d
Like to Lose
15, 30, or 50 Lbs
of Stubborn Fat…

Regardless of your age or gender…

Even if you think you’re doomed to weight-loss failure with poor genes…

This tribal tonic will work for you.

The clinical science is clear: It will melt off 28 lbs of fat in mere weeks, and you need to hear about it.

My name is
Lizzy Anderson.**

I’m from a small town outside of El Paso, Texas.

I live with my high school sweetheart, Stu.

And we have two beautiful daughters.

Now, you should know I’m not some hot-shot doctor or fitness guru…

I’m just a regular, overworked mom trying her best.

There’s no manual that teaches you how to juggle your life, family, and work…

And still have time—or energy—to take care of yourself.

Don’t get me wrong, I was never the Slim Sally of my friend group.

But I used to keep it tight, you know?

After Giving Birth to Rachel,
My First Child,
I Piled on 30 Lbs.

So I watched what I ate,
took the dogs for
a few extra walks, and breastfed.

That did the trick.

Yet something shifted, following my second pregnancy.

After giving birth to Beth, the scale wouldn’t budge—no matter what I did.

I skipped dessert, joined a kickboxing class, wasted a fortune on DNA diet tests, meal-prep plans, and exercise equipment.

I skipped dessert, joined a kickboxing class, wasted a fortune on DNA diet tests, meal-prep plans, and exercise equipment.

I went Paleo, Vegan, Carnivore, Keto, High-Carb, Atkins, then back to Keto.

I went Paleo, Vegan, Carnivore, Keto, High-Carb, Atkins, then back to Keto.

I tried detoxes and cleanses, ACV shots,
and fasting.

I tried detoxes and cleanses, ACV shots, and fasting.

Every month, I embraced a new and hip superfood that Dr. Oz pushed…

Every month, I embraced a new and hip superfood that Dr. Oz pushed…

And each time, I was left in a puddle of my own tears.

At one point, I even hired a registered dietitian!

At one point, I even hired a registered dietitian!

Still, nothing.

It sure didn’t help that my girlfriends bounced back from their pegnancies—lickety-split.

Meanwhile, the thought of a donut made my thighs jiggle for a week.

And don’t you get me started on the late-night cravings!

I Was Also Furious
at All the Overwhelming
and Conflicting Health Advice...

On internet forums, fitness blogs, and social media.

One day, some smug doctor on Instagram tells you apples are a must…

The next, a study proclaims they slow your metabolism down to a crawl.

Maybe, like me, you can’t wrap your head around how thousands of “health foods” line the grocery store…

And how so much so-called “progress” has been made by the medical establishment…

Yet… there’s still no concrete solution for people like us.

Before today, you had three equally terrifying options:

  • A tummy tuck that costs thousands…
  • A weight-loss shot which only works when you take it weekly—that also costs thousands...
  • Or live in shame.

Keep This in Mind, When I Reveal How Powerful the Tribal Tonic I’m About to Share With You Is…

You’ll learn exactly why it is a unique game-changer
in terms of cost and effectiveness.

  • If you’d like to effortlessly shed your stubborn fat…
  • And be guaranteed the fat stays off

Stick with me.

Because I’ll share how I overcame my fat struggles with that tribal tonic, after I found myself 67 lbs overweight.

Forced to go on prescriptions for high blood pressure and soaring cholesterol levels…

I felt like a failure.

I had once been a sociable, fun, and bubbly person…

But I Turned Into My Worst Nightmare,
After My Futile Attempts to Lose Weight.

I snuck in drive-through visits before and after work…

I snuck in drive-through visits before and after work…

Clothing I got a month ago threatened to burst at the seams…

Clothing I got a month ago threatened to burst at the seams…

And my relationship with my hubby hung by a thread.

And my relationship with my hubby hung by a thread.

He’d let his eyes wander when younger—slimmer—women jogged around the neighborhood...

And he’d stopped leaving cute handwritten notes for me around the house.

Our sex life had disappeared...

Which, as you can imagine, I blamed
myself for.

I even started locking the bathroom door when I showered, so he wouldn’t walk in and see the real me.

The next few years were a blur.

Looking Back, I Wish I’d Stumbled Upon
That Tribal Tonic Sooner.

The same one that’s been clinically proven to melt off
28 lbs of fat within weeks.

When my younger daughter Beth got engaged…

I felt like my life had regained its purpose.

Fast forward months of wedding preparation, and it was time to pick up our tailored dresses.

Beth and I drove over to the bridal shop, giggling with excitement.

Her delicate lace gown was embroidered with intricate beads, and it had a flowing train… Just perfect.

As we stepped into the fitting room, I helped Beth shimmy into her gown.

But Seconds Later,
Her Face Fell.

The gown felt tighter than she remembered—
it’d been just right during her last fitting.

“Hey, it’s nothing to worry about, sweetie,”
I whispered.

“One more alteration, and you’ll look absolutely stunning walking down the aisle.”

I put my hand on her shoulder to comfort her…

But she shrugged off my touch and turned to me, her voice sharp:

“You just don’t get it,
do you, Mom?

You've always been so...
accepting of your body.”

I knew she didn’t mean it…

I knew she was under immense pressure with the wedding…

But in that moment, my heart shattered.

A heavy silence settled over the room as I collapsed onto a chair.

What would you have done in my shoes?

The next morning, I tried to get back to my normal routine…

But I couldn’t shake off my sadness and anger.

I Resolved to Do Whatever
It Took
to Lose the Weight
Before the Wedding.

So I stormed down to the garage and
got my old resistance bands…

And went grocery shopping for chicken breast and broccoli.

With fire in my belly, I proudly set out on my first run in ages.

Tying my shoelaces, a smirk spread across my face.

It was the exact push I needed.

I popped on my headphones, blared I Got You Babe by Sonny and Cher, and I was off!

As I rounded the corner of our neighborhood, however…

My world turned dark.

The Next Thing I Knew,
I Woke up to
the Blinding Lights
of a Hospital Room.

My husband and girls were there,
tears streaming down their faces.

The doctor informed me that I’d had a heart attack.

He explained that overweight people were 96% more likely to have a heart attack or stroke than folks who had a healthy BMI.

I was one of the “lucky” ones, he added.

But I felt anything but “lucky”.

I’d hit rock-bottom. I couldn’t stand the thought of leaving my two girls motherless…

Especially not with Beth’s wedding being so close.

So Over the Next
Few Weeks,
I Made Sure to Follow My Doctor’s Orders to a T.

As I regained my strength, I was back to walking…
but I was careful not to overexert myself.

Little did I know that one fateful Tuesday morning, while I was on a walk in the park…

A true miracle would happen.

See… during my walk, I spotted a familiar face approaching from the opposite direction.

It was the father of one of Beth’s closest girlfriends…

Frank Atlas**.

The strange part was, I barely recognized him—
in a good way!

His shirt fit snugly on his muscular body.

He had big, bright eyes, and a head of thick hair that put mine to shame.

The man radiated with boyish energy, and seemed to have the stamina of someone decades younger.

As we greeted each other and caught up…

He mentioned he was excited for the wedding, and asked how the preparations were going.

That’s when the waterworks began.

I Told Him About the Awful Incident
With Beth at the Bridal Shop…

My heart attack and my two-decade-long battle
with my weight.

Frank listened with empathy.

He gestured to a park bench near us, and after we’d sat down…

He showed me an old photo of himself on his phone.

That was how I’d remembered him—70 lbs overweight.

“You can imagine how ashamed I felt,” he confessed.

“My research team is responsible for over 6 million health transformations. We help people from everyday folks like you and me to celebs before a photoshoot. But at my lowest, I couldn’t help myself.”

“What changed?” I asked.

He Explained That a Few Years Ago, He’d Become the Head of a Medical Research Group.

His team ventures out to remote corners of the earth...

To live with indigenous tribes, learn their way of life...

And bring back natural remedies made from plants and botanicals that don’t grow in America.

His lab subsequently amplifies their benefits with modern technology.

Months ago, he was part of a team that explored a newly-explored island off the coast of West Africa…

Bioko Island.

The indigenous people of Bioko are strong, energetic, and vibrant—living well into their 70s and 80s.

They’re free of virtually every disease… Including obesity.

But—Frank made sure to emphasize—he’d noticed that they drink a mysterious tonic each day.

Curious, he took a sample back home with him.

This same tonic has since been clinically validated to help people drop 28 lbs in weeks...

Without dietary restrictions or any changes in their lifestyle.

See, when Frank’s team reverse-engineered it to find out how it works…

They uncovered what countless researchers now say is the root cause of
fat gain:

Stagnant Fat Syndrome.

A condition where your fat cells mutate, get sticky, and clump together under your skin and around your organs.

Frank said that there’s a simple reason why this happens. He explained:

Under normal circumstances,
your body produces a signaling molecule called GBP-28.

GBP-28’s job is to keep you thin and healthy,
by controlling the movement of fat cells.

Think of it as a traffic cop for your fat cells.

GBP-28 instructs your fat cells on where to go, and forces them to move throughout your system.

That way, your body can easily burn those fat cells for energy.

Even if you take nothing away from this letter, remember this one thing:

Fat That Doesn’t Move,
Doesn’t Get Burned.

And if you’ve ever felt like
fat “clings” on to your body,
it means your GBP-28 levels are dangerously low.

That’s a result of several factors…

From exposure to countless toxins in our air, food, and water supply…

To stress and poor sleep.

And when your body doesn’t have enough GBP-28 circulating within it…

Like any busy street without a traffic cop or a functioning stoplight…

Nothing moves, and build-up occurs.

So Fat Cells Clump
up Around
Your Neck, Belly, Thighs, Arms, and Organs...

Like cars in
bumper-to-bumper traffic...

Instead of being burned for energy.

In short, having low levels of GBP-28 makes it impossible for you to lose fat.

Our country’s top scientists now trumpet GBP-28 as a make-it-or-break-it target for weight loss.

Cleveland Clinic*** confirms that low levels of GBP-28 lead to obesity.

And The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism*** calls GBP-28 the key to quick and sustainable fat loss.

Before this discovery, there wasn’t a natural and safe way to increase GBP-28 levels, such that you can have the same amount of GBP-28 in your body today as when you were 25.

This Tribal Tonic Just Changed That.

See, its active ingredient comes from the seed of a fruit that only grows in the lush Bioko rainforest.

When Frank brought the tribal tonic back to his lab…

His medical research team discovered that this seed extract is capable of skyrocketing GBP-28 levels by 140%!

When that happens, fat cells move again…

And your body does what it is biologically designed to do:

Torch your fat for fuel.

Before you know it, you’ll have an excuse to go on a shopping spree for a brand-new wardrobe…

To find clothes in a smaller size—revealing pieces, even—for your slimmer body.

In Fact, the Effectiveness of This Seed Extract Has Been Proven in Several Clinical Studies.

In one double-blind, placebo-controlled study

Researchers split 102 volunteers of different ages into 2 groups.

Group 1

Got the seed extract I’m about to share with you.

Group 2

Got a sugar pill.

All the participants had to do was add them to their diet.

The lucky group that got the miraculous seed extract…

Shed an average of 28 lbs!

Think about it:

This one tiny tweak to your day… and the fat just melts off your frame like butter.

Do you know anyone who’s gotten such incredible results—without cardio or choking down bland foods?

What’s more, the waistlines of the participants in the seed extract group shrank by a whopping 6 inches.

Meanwhile, the weight of the people in the control group pretty much stayed the same—since their fat remained stuck.

Researchers in Another Placebo-Controlled
Study Took Things Further.

The study involved 72 obese participants…

And the group that got the same seed extract shed 20% of their
body fat!

To put it in perspective, 20% less body fat is the difference between freely slipping into a slinky spaghetti-strap dress

And being forced to hide underneath a baggy sweater.

The difference between you watching every calorie
like a hawk… And delicious meals becoming a celebration again.

And get this...

In a third placebo-controlled study of 40 participants…

The seed extract group lost four times as much fat as the placebo group.

That’s Right,
a 275% Increase in Fat Loss!

When researchers dug deeper...

They were shocked to learn that this seed extract can also...

Decrease total blood cholesterol by 39%

Lower LDL—bad cholesterol—by 46%

Boost HDL—good cholesterol—by 47%

Steadies blood glucose
by 32%

And balance blood pressure levels across
the board

Incredible, isn’t it?

So get ready to do double-takes at yourself in the mirror…

Once I tell you exactly how to achieve similar—and very real—results.

I remember sitting on that park bench, stunned.

Frank took a deep breath, his gaze shifting between me and the grass beneath our feet—as if he was debating whether or not to say his next words.

He Finally Reached Into
His Jacket Pocket…

And pulled out a vial.

“Here,” he said, placing it in my hand.

“Take a few drops before your next meal,
and let me know how you feel afterwards.”

Irvingia Gabonensis

See, Frank’s medical research team was one of the first to successfully take the seed extract from the Bioko fruit called Irvingia Gabonensis.

And turn it into liquid form.

The vial contained that potent extract.

Not Only That...

Before we parted, Frank told me his team had added a few other indigenous nutrients and botanicals to the liquid extract to supercharge its effectiveness.


One of them is Niacin.

This potent nutrient comes from a plant that grows in the fertile soils of Zanzibar.

Now, what’s special about this type of niacin is that it significantly improves GBP-28 levels.

A recent study has proven that it is capable of boosting GBP-28 levels by an additional 21%.

Having Niacin and Irvingia Gabonensis in your system means you can eat whatever you want—ooey-gooey brownies, creamy pies, or a juicy ribeye…

And you’ll still burn fat with every delicious bite.


Another ingredient in Frank’s formula is L-Carnitine.

This is a powerful amino acid found in the tropical rainforests of South America.

To go back to our traffic jam analogy…

While Irvingia Gabonensis and Niacin will have your fat moving again…

L-Carnitine speeds up that movement.

A meta-analysis of 9 randomized studies concluded that “the subjects who received carnitine lost significantly more weight”.

How much is significant?

In a recent placebo-controlled study, the participants given L-Carnitine lost 520% more fat.

Picture how slim and slender you will look…

And how energetic and empowered you will feel with 5x the fat loss.


Frank’s formula also includes Rhodiola.

Make an arduous trek to the snow-capped Mongolian mountains…

And it’s there that you’ll find Rhodiola, a plant that thrives in high altitudes and a harsh climate.

In a recent study...

Rhodiola helped the subjects drop 30% of their visceral body fat in just 10 days.

Imagine the joy of waking up each morning…

Excited to weigh yourself, instead of dreading the scale.

And as the fat effortlessly melts off your body, trust me…

The compliments from your spouse, girlfriends, and coworkers will never, ever, get old.

I was floored. After learning what was in the vial, the promise of actual fat loss felt very real…

And it did come true for me, as it can
for you.

But I won’t sugarcoat it:

As I Walked Back Home, Deep in Thought
After My Conversation With Frank…

I was equal parts excited
and hesitant.

Although I had my concerns…

The moment I got back home, I put a few drops of the special liquid on my tongue.

The taste was pleasant—a sweet blend of exotic herbs.

I didn’t know what to expect, but shortly afterwards…

I felt a gentle warmth radiate from somewhere inside of me, as if my body was waking up!

The next morning, I got on the scale, and as the numbers shuffled around…

My heart skipped a beat.

I’d Lost a Pound!

By the end of the first week,
I was down 8 lbs!

As the days passed, my energy levels soared and my mind became sharp
and clear.

My tummy was taut, and my outfits fit more loosely than before.

I didn’t have to “warm up” my knees before the simplest of movements.

My skin—which had been looking tired and dull for some time—was smooth and glowy.

Next thing I knew, I was down 19 lbs…
I couldn’t help but feel confident again.

Everything came full circle, when Beth swung by my place one day to finalize some wedding plans.

As she walked into the house, her eyes darted from my face…

To my body…

And back to my face.

After She’d Picked Her Jaw off the Floor, She Begged to Know What New Diet I Was On.

I chuckled because there was no diet, exercise, or sacrifice.

We chatted happily during the next couple of hours—it was truly a precious mom-daughter bonding moment.

Later, I told Beth to ask Frank for a vial of the powerful liquid, so she could try it too.

Meanwhile, as we got closer to the big day… I was down 34 lbs.

My husband gave me that look again…

And one evening, I left the bathroom door wide open when I was showering.

You know exactly how that went.

We connected for the first time in months.

It felt like pure magic.

By the Week of the Wedding,
I Was Down a Whopping 67 Lbs.

And my daughter? Down 32 lbs.

Funnily enough, we both rushed over to
the bridal shop to get our dresses altered again!

Then the big day finally arrived.

I sat in the front pew, ready to watch Beth walk down the aisle.

Frank was just a few rows down, and my eyes met his…

He gave me a knowing smile, and it served as a reminder of the long, long journey it had taken me to get there.

After Beth and her hubby cut the wedding cake…

I Walked Up to Frank
Told Him We
Needed to Take His Formulation Public.

He shook his head,
saying it wasn’t ready.

“Isn’t ready?” I yelled back.

“I mean… look at me!
Look at Beth!”

So I struck a deal with him:

We would test out his weight-loss fix on more people. If it worked on them, we would produce it for sale.

In the days that followed, we rounded up 127 men and women.

Folks from the wedding… close pals and girlfriends from the office… and people we knew from church.

The only condition we had was they all had to be at least 30 lbs overweight...

And they had to have failed with conventional dieting and exercise.

We gave each of them a vial of Frank’s all-natural formulation.

A Few Weeks Later,
They Looked Like They’d Stepped Out of a Time Machine!

98% of our volunteers shed
at least 29 lbs!

One woman dropped 48 lbs, while her husband got rid of 51 lbs…

And someone even lost 72 lbs!

The longer they took the formulation,
the more fat they burned.

Their energy levels shot up across the board.

They no longer suffered from aches and pains in their joints.

Nor did they run out of breath at any time throughout the day.

Most shocking of all…

They kept the weight off—months later!

The bottom line is simply this:

  • If you’re ready to regain your confidence, energy, and zest for life…
  • If you want to break the cycle of dieting and shame…
  • If you’ve ever dreamt of flattening your tummy…
  • And seeing the stubborn fat that’s choking your organs melt off your body…
  • So that you can get back the slim and toned figure you had in your twenties…

Today’s the day everything changes for you.

After Witnessing My Staggering
Weight Loss
of 67 Lbs…

Along with my daughter’s rapid weight loss of 32 lbs… and the countless transformations of our trial participants…

Frank and I realized we had a moral obligation to bring this natural formulation to the public.

It’s now gone on to permanently transform the bodies of 102,545 people who had been in your exact shoes.

And now, it’s your turn to join us.



A Weight-Loss Breakthrough Unlike Anything You’ve Seen or Tried.

It’s the final solution to achieving fat loss that lasts.

VivaSlim Is a Weight-Loss Breakthrough Unlike Anything You’ve Seen
or Tried.

It’s the final solution to achieving fat loss that lasts.

Regardless of how much weight you want to lose, be it 10, 15, or 50 lbs…

There’s just one thing standing between you and the body you’ve always wanted: Adequate levels of GBP-28.

VivaSlim™ is the first and only solution on the planet specifically formulated to give you just that…

Your GBP-28 levels will skyrocket by a whopping 140%.

VivaSlim Is a One-Of-A-Kind Weight-Loss Fix...

With a blend of 12 clinically-proven natural supernutrients.

These powerful ingredients are in the exact amounts that every study I shared with you has shown to be the most effective.

So, get ready to step on the scale…

And be flat-out amazed at just how fast pound after pound of stubborn, ugly fat will melt off your body.

You’ll restore definition to your arms, thighs, belly, and cheekbones.

And regain the boundless energy, the unshakeable confidence, and the pride that comes with loving who you see in
the mirror.

All It Takes Is
10 Drops of VivaSlim...

Three times a day.

Just add the drops in water or a beverage of your choice, and drink the mixture.

Or simply put the 10 drops directly in your mouth.

VivaSlim™ is produced in a GMP-certified facility right here in America.

It does not contain caffeine, stimulants, fillers, soy, artificial coloring, dairy, heavy metals, or gluten…

It’s non-habit forming, and has zero side effects.

No matter your age or gender…

Whether you have a special event you’d like to slim down for, or if losing fat is more of a health concern…

Regardless of your persistent weight struggles…

VivaSlim™ is guaranteed to work for you.

And 102,545 Americans Like You Rely on VivaSlim to Look and Feel Their Absolute Best:

“I could cry now, thinking about where my life might be if I hadn’t discovered VivaSlim.”

“I thought I was doomed to living the rest of my life dealing with the shame and body pain that come from chronic obesity and inflammation.

I could cry now, thinking about where my life might be if I hadn’t discovered VivaSlim™. I’m down 39 lbs, but more importantly...I am full of energy, I feel less stressed, and I sleep better now than I have in 10 years.”

— Charmaine, 56 (Wichita, Kansas)

“In just a few months,
I’ve lost 46 lbs.”

“I really can’t believe it.
In just a few months, I’ve lost 46 lbs. Now, I’ve got more energy than my grandkids!”

— David Greene, 61 (Clemson, South Carolina)

“I lost 20 lbs in one month—with no exercise.”

“Wonderful! I'm really happy with these drops!
I lost 20 lbs in one month—with no exercise.
It’s working very well for me so far.”

— Emily Peters, 47 (Kansas City, Missouri)

“With VivaSlim,
I have lost almost
22 lbs in 5 weeks.”

“Good results thus far. When I joined Weight Watchers years ago, I didn't even lose 5 lbs during my 3-month membership—so that was a bust. With VivaSlim™, I have lost almost 22 lbs in 5 weeks.”

— Cindy Dojellio, 52 (Eureka Springs, Arkansas)

“I’m one week into it,
and have already lost 8.7 lbs...”

“I love VivaSlim™. I’m one week into it, and have already lost 8.7 lbs...even with a cheat day where I ate lots of birthday cake!”

— Nancy Rodriguez, 49 (Duluth, Minnesota)

“I feel amazing, and my husband
can’t keep his hands off me.”

“Wow, wow, wow! What else can I say? I feel beautiful. I feel amazing, and my husband can’t keep his hands off me. This is a totally new life for me. I just wish I’d known about it sooner…”

— Susan Howell, 51 (Bloomington, Illinois)

“I’ve lost 56 lbs and feel incredible!”

“I’m 4 months into using VivaSlim™, and I’m happy to say that I will never, ever, be shopping in plus-size women’s stores again. I’ve lost 56 lbs and feel incredible!”

— Kristen Otto, 53 (Fargo, North Dakota)

Nearly Every Day,
We Get Messages Just Like This.

All from men and women no different than you…

Except, with VivaSlim™ by their side…

They are enjoying a life filled with energy, adventure, and excitement.

Remember that?

A life where you didn’t question every bite of food.

A life where you weren’t forced to cover your body in shame, worried about what others will think or say about you.

It’s possible with VivaSlim™.


Your GBP-28 levels will shoot through the roof, thanks to Irvingia Gabonensis which is clinically proven to increase GBP-28 production by 140%.

But I also promised you a solution that guarantees the fat stays off.

Guess what? Frank’s research team recently stumbled upon a previously unknown benefit of Irvingia Gabonensis:

It Lowers the Effect of
a Molecule Called PPAR-Gamma.

If GBP-28 acts as a traffic cop and controls the
movement of fat cells, PPAR-Gamma controls the
amount of traffic in the first place.

In other words, PPAR-Gamma is responsible for creating new fat cells after you’ve eaten a big meal.

A groundbreaking study shows that Irvingia Gabonensis crushes PPAR-Gamma levels by 80%...

That’s an 80% decrease in the creation of fat cells by your body!

Which makes it virtually impossible for you to gain back even an ounce of the fat you’ve lost.

Irvingia Gabonensis is the perfect one-two punch to KO stubborn fat forever.

That’s on top of studies showing it can help folks lose 28 lbs in mere weeks…

Turbocharge your body’s metabolism
by 275%

Decrease total blood cholesterol by 39%

Lower LDL cholesterol by 46%

Boost HDL cholesterol by 47%

Steady blood glucose by 32%

And balance even the most out-of-control blood pressure levels

Put another way?

Get Ready for a
Top-To-Bottom, Inside-And-Out Transformation of a Lifetime.

But that’s just the start.

As you know, medical science is an ever-evolving field…

And Frank’s team has uncovered a handful of synergistic nutrients that work with the key ingredients in VivaSlim™ to kick its fat-burning ability into high gear.


The first nutrient is Astragalus.

An ancient Korean herb, it’s been used for thousands of years to support slim and fit bodies.

Fast forward to today, and we now know that Astragalus…

Promotes healthy stress levels, boosts energy, strengthens your immunity, and balances your hormones—all of which reinforces natural weight loss.

So GBP-28 can help your body to burn fat around the clock—without a hitch.


Then we have L-Glutamate, a supernutrient found in plants native to Morocco.

In a recent study of 20 participants—all of whom were not dieting…

L-Glutamate led to quick and sustainable fat loss, without them needing to count a single calorie.


Frank’s team also added a souped-up form of L-Arginine, a nutrient found in traditional Japanese delicacies like natto—which, chances are, is missing in your diet.

That’s a shame because in a recent clinical study…

Researchers discovered that L-Arginine effectively reduced the waist circumference and fat mass of the participants…

L-Arginine widens veins and arteries too, which promotes excellent blood flow.

Which, going back to our traffic analogy, is important:

It’s like adding a carpool lane to traffic, which means GBP-28 can move fat around your body faster.

So, get ready for a slender figure that will turn your friends green with envy.


Then there’s L-Ornithine, a supernutrient known for its incredible ability to burn fat, and produce a leaner body.

It’ll slim down your thighs, and give you a perky and firm butt—so that you’ll look sexy in your new pair of skinny jeans.


The formula includes Pure Maca too, a plant native to Peru.

With countless studies behind it, Maca is a centuries-old traditional dietary supplement that’s been proven to boost your body’s ability to burn fat…

Even while you sleep!

Not to mention, it also erases brain fog, raises concentration levels, and keeps you laser-focused at work.


Another addition to the formula is Beta-Alanine.

A natural compound proven to melt off unwanted fat…

It will give you a natural boost in energy throughout the day as well.

Pygeum Africanum

Last but not least, Frank’s team has included Pygeum Africanum in VivaSlim™.

Multiple studies have shown that this potent nutrient with antioxidant properties fights inflammation.

In addition, this powerhouse ingredient accelerates fat loss.

All in all…

You’re Looking At 12 Clinically Proven Natural Ingredients That Work With One Another to
Melt off Unflattering Fat…

  • Visibly tighten your face, jawline, arms, and thighs…
  • And restore the confidence and energy you had in your youth—so you can enjoy life the way you’re meant to.
  • No more frustrating diets, exercise, and restrictions.
  • No more painful embarrassment, as you squeeze through the aisle of an airplane or a movie theater.
  • No more looking at old photos and thinking, “What happened?”

It’s time to shed the stubborn fat for good…

And feel the VivaSlim™ difference.

You Should Know VivaSlim Isn’t
Available at Walmart or Target.

Nor is it available at your local
health food store.

There are two reasons for this:

#1: Due to the particular nature of the exotic ingredients in VivaSlim.

They only grow during certain periods of the year, and have specific harvesting windows…

Thus there are times when the scarcity of these natural ingredients makes it impossible for us to produce VivaSlim™.

And when we do get our hands on them...

The most “expensive” part of the formulation process is time!

It takes 4 months and more to source every supernutrient, to precisely measure and blend all the essential ingredients, and to stabilize the final formulation.

#2: My story has gone “viral”.

My life-changing experience has prompted scores of people to try VivaSlim™…

After getting mind-blowing results like mine, they’ve been grabbing multiple bottles of VivaSlim™ at
a time…

So their spouses, coworkers, and family members can also shed unwanted fat—and make sure it
stays off.

And because 97% of our customers keep coming back for more

There are times when VivaSlim™ is sold-out for months at a time.

But Here’s the
Great News:

If you’re hearing these words now…

It means we still have 250 bottles of VivaSlim available today...

At the lowest price you’ll ever see.

Although Frank’s colleagues had told him to price a month’s supply of VivaSlim™ at $89…

Which, I’m sure you’ll agree with me, is a bargain for the figure of your dreams...

Today, you won’t pay anywhere near that.

Thanks to Our New Customer Initiative!

That’s because we want people to reap the full benefits of VivaSlim™.

As I mentioned, VivaSlim™ is highly effective because it guarantees the weight that you lose never comes back.

The science shows its effectiveness increases when the special nutrients in its formula build up in the body…

Meaning, the longer you take VivaSlim™, the more fat loss you will experience.

And frankly, once you get your GBP-28 back to sky-high levels—where you want them

Once you see the fat simply being flushed out from your problem areas…

You won’t want to go back to being overweight.

And those who make VivaSlim™ a consistent part of their daily routine—just like showering or toothbrushing…

Day after day, week after week, month after month…

Those are the same people who lose the most weight, and who keep the weight off—for good!

Which Is Why When You Stock up on
6 Bottles of VivaSlim, You Can Try It for
as Low as $25 a Bottle.


20% OFF


$14 MORE

per bottle





SPEND $14 MORE per bottle







20% OFF


per bottle





LOWEST PRICE per bottle







20% OFF



per bottle





SPEND $6 MORE per bottle






That’s 72% Off Its
Retail Price!

A little over a dollar a day to guarantee you
the slimmest—trimmest—body of your life.

Think about it this way: If VivaSlim™ helps you lose even half of the fat the clinical studies say it will…

Wouldn’t you want to maintain your slim and toned figure for as long as you can…

And make sure you never gain an ounce back? Of course, you would!

What a shame it would be to get the
body of your dreams just to run out of VivaSlim™…

And watch in horror, as the weight piles back on because you don’t have any more bottles on standby.

All you have to do is make your selection below now, by clicking on one of the
“Add To Cart” buttons.

A bit of a no-brainer, considering…

Your Order Is Covered by
Our Iron Clad 365-Day,
100% Money-Back Guarantee.

365 Days Money Back Guarantee

So give VivaSlim™ a good ol’ fashioned test drive over the next year!

See and feel the immediate difference within days:

From elevated energy levels, to the ease with which you move during your day, to better blood pressure and cholesterol numbers…

To your uncontrollable joy, as the scale drops further and further every morning.

If you’re not satisfied, for any reason…

If you don’t get a few new compliments from your spouse or friends…

In fact, if you don’t lose at least 7 lbs of pure fat in the first week…

Simply call our English-speaking customer service team at 1-800-259-9522, or send us an email.

You’ll get a quick, no-hassle refund of every penny you paid.

No questions. No hoops. No conditions.

Which Means if You
Take Action Today, You Risk Nothing.

However, if you miss out on the 250 bottles
that we’ve set aside today…

You will risk paying full price in the future. Picture it with me!

When you receive your VivaSlim™ order, you’ll pull out the dropper…

And enjoy a few pleasant-tasting drops.

It’ll be the single most powerful thing you can do for your fat loss.

As the days pass, as the scale continues to drop…

Your energy and confidence will roar back to life.

You’ll feel optimistic, and have a positive outlook on things.

Instead of worrying about what the future holds, you’re excited for what’s in store
for you.

The best part?

Others will notice—almost immediately.

Your spouse will give you that look right after dinner, and you’ll both sneak off for a quickie.

Your spouse will give you that look right after dinner, and you’ll both sneak off for a quickie.

Your girlfriends and coworkers will be astonished by your incredible transformation, and will beg to know your new diet or exercise plan.

Your girlfriends and coworkers
will be astonished by your incredible transformation,
and will beg to know your new
diet or exercise plan.

Some of them might even think you are taking the $700-a-month weight-loss shot.

Some of them might even think you are taking the $700-a-month weight-loss shot.

Whether you decide to spill the beans or not… That’s up to you.

My point is this:

VivaSlim Puts You
Back in the
Driver’s Seat of Your Life.

You get to decide what to wear… what to eat… what to do…

Instead of allowing a stranger’s unkind stare, a family member’s cruel comment, or a heavy body to decide for you.

That, my friend, is a very powerful place
to be.

But it’s only possible, if you give yourself the chance to experience it.

Start your VivaSlim™ journey today, by making a selection now.

Once you do, you’ll be taken to our 256-bit encrypted order page. Fill in the form to let us know where to ship your VivaSlim™ bottles.

We use the same type of encryption as Amazon.

It’s safe, secure, and only takes seconds.

And just so you know… This is a one-time investment.

No subscriptions here.

And since you’re fully covered for the next year, ask yourself:

Why not give it a go?

Make Your Selection
Below Now,
and Get Started
With VivaSlim Today:


20% OFF


$14 MORE

per bottle





SPEND $14 MORE per bottle







20% OFF


per bottle





LOWEST PRICE per bottle







20% OFF



per bottle





SPEND $6 MORE per bottle






Hey There,
This Is an Urgent Update…

I want to personally thank everyone who’s shared my story with their friends and family.

It means the world to me that VivaSlim™ has been able to help thousands of Americans.

I’m proud to say that this presentation has created quite the online buzz.

But… going viral has brought some problems:

That 250-bottle limit that
we’ve set has almost been reached—
the stock is nearly sold out.

Limited Stocks!

So, please…

If you want a slim and slender body that you and your spouse are proud of…

Don’t waste another moment.

VivaSlim™ didn’t just change my life.

It saved my life.

And today, I get to pay it forward by transforming the lives of deserving men and women just like you.

So Make Your Selection Below Now,
to Try VivaSlim


20% OFF


$14 MORE

per bottle





SPEND $14 MORE per bottle







20% OFF


per bottle





LOWEST PRICE per bottle







20% OFF



per bottle





SPEND $6 MORE per bottle






And see why over 102,545 Americans are raving over it, and declaring that getting VivaSlim™ is the best decision they’ve ever made.

Now… we’ve talked about a lot today, haven’t we?

  • I’ve walked you through the undeniable scientific proof behind GBP-28…
  • And shown you how, for the first time, we have a solution that actually works to burn fat at lightning speed.
  • I’ve shared some of the 102,545 success stories.

But the one thing we haven’t talked about?

Is your story.

There Are Defining Moments
in Life.
Moments You Know You’ve Crossed a Bridge.

And your old life? It’s over.

For me, they include the day I got married…

For me, they include the day I got married…

The day I became a mother…

The day I became a mother…

And the day I tried VivaSlim for the first time.

And the day I tried VivaSlim™ for the first time.

But those defining moments aren’t always served up on a silver platter.

Oftentimes, to change your situation in life…

All it takes is for you to step up and do something about it.

So I encourage you to take this moment—right now—and solidify it as the moment everything changed for you.

It’s Time to Get the Body
You’ve Always Wanted.

Time to take decades of fat gain…

The disparaging looks from strangers…

The self-guilt, shame, and pity…

And put them all behind you.

Make the smart choice, and give VivaSlim™ a try.

No more cardio or dieting.

No more losing a pound or two… Then gaining five back.

Believe me, I know what that’s like—I’ve lived the nightmare.

Just last week, I was looking at old photos of myself, taken before VivaSlim™ entered my life.

And sure, I hadn’t been happy with how I looked…

But what really got me… was the sadness in my eyes.

I smiled through the despair in every photo...

Because I was exhausted and defeated; ready to call it quits and just accept the way
I looked.

I refuse to let you suffer like that.

All It Takes Is a Click of a Button Below To
Change Your Life Forever.


20% OFF


$14 MORE

per bottle





SPEND $14 MORE per bottle







20% OFF


per bottle





LOWEST PRICE per bottle







20% OFF



per bottle





SPEND $6 MORE per bottle






Remember, You’re Covered by
Our Ironclad 365-Day, 100% Money-Back Guarantee, so You Risk Nothing.

Don’t miss out.

Join us, before we completely sell out
of the 250 bottles we have today.

Limited Stocks!

Take a stand with me right now…

And together, let’s start that new chapter in your life.

Thank you for your time today.


20% OFF


$14 MORE

per bottle





SPEND $14 MORE per bottle







20% OFF


per bottle





LOWEST PRICE per bottle







20% OFF



per bottle





SPEND $6 MORE per bottle






Still here?

I get it—you might have some questions about VivaSlim™, so here are my answers
to them.

Frequently Asked Questions

VivaSlim™ was specifically formulated for men and women with persistent weight struggles...

Deserving folks who, despite their best efforts with dieting and exercise, can’t shed fat like they
want to.

  • If you’d like the stubborn fat on your neck, belly, thighs, and arms to melt off rapidly…
  • If you want a complete, top-to-bottom transformation of your figure…
  • If you wish to enjoy booming energy levels…
  • Get sky-high confidence…
  • And experience the relief of knowing you won’t gain an ounce
    of fat back…

VivaSlim™ is for you.

The 12 all-natural ingredients inside VivaSlim™ will put you back into the driver’s seat of your life…

Without dieting, exercise, or lifestyle changes.

It’s clinically proven to help you shed 28 lbs of stubborn fat in weeks, and that’s just the beginning of what’s possible.

It doesn’t matter if you have 15, 30, or even 50 lbs to lose…

All you have to do is make your selection below, to try VivaSlim™ at
up to 72% off.

If you feel as if fat just “clings” on to your body, it’s because you’re suffering from low levels of GBP-28.

GBP-28 is a signaling molecule that acts like a traffic cop for your fat cells.

GBP-28 instructs your fat cells on where to go, and forces them to move throughout your system.

That way, your body can easily burn those fat cells for energy.

And when your body doesn’t have enough GBP-28 circulating within it…

Like any busy street without a traffic cop or a functioning stoplight…

Nothing moves, and build-up occurs.

So fat cells clump up around your neck, belly, thighs, arms, and organs—like cars in bumper-to-bumper traffic.

VivaSlim™ is the only product on the market capable of skyrocketing GBP-28 levels by 140%...

To effortlessly melt off the stubborn fat on any part of your body.

Comprising 12 all-natural, clinically-backed ingredients…

VivaSlim™ is the most powerful way to send your GBP-28 levels through the roof—to incinerate your unwanted fat at lightning speed.

Make your selection below now, to try VivaSlim™ at the lowest price you’ll ever see.

VivaSlim™ works almost immediately.

Recent research shows that the all-natural ingredients in VivaSlim™ work within minutes.

Which is why many people who try VivaSlim™ experience a dramatic and immediate boost in their energy levels

And go on to lose 7, 8, or even 10 lbs—within their first week of using it!

Better yet, the longer you take VivaSlim™, and the more consistent you are with it…

The more fat you’ll shed.

Which is why almost every one of our customers picks up multiple bottles at a time—many months’ worth—so they’re always burning fat for fuel…

And shedding the maximum amount of fat possible.

VivaSlim™ is a daily non-negotiable for 102,545+ Americans like you.

Again, it doesn’t matter if you want to lose 10, 15, or even 50 lbs…

All you have to do to join us is make your selection below to try VivaSlim™ at 72% off.

VivaSlim™ is 100% safe.

It is produced in a GMP-certified facility here in America, and is all-natural.

It comes with zero side effects, and is suitable for people of all ages and health conditions.

Make your selection below to try VivaSlim™ at a price that promises you the best bang for your buck.

Mix 10 drops of VivaSlim™ in water or a beverage of your choice, and drink the mixture.

Or simply put the 10 drops directly into your mouth.

Do this 3 times a day.

That’s all you need to shed unflattering fat and give yourself a second shot at youth.

  • Boundless energy
  • Cushioned joints
  • A positive outlook
  • The slim figure you’ve always wanted

They’re just a “click” away.

Make your selection below now, to try VivaSlim™ at 72% off.

Then you don’t pay!

Your VivaSlim™ order is covered by our 365-day, 100% money-back guarantee.

Try it out—see and feel the VivaSlim™ difference within days...

From elevated energy levels, to the ease with which you move during your day, to better blood pressure and cholesterol numbers…

To your uncontrollable joy, as the scale drops further and further every morning.

  • If you’re not satisfied, for any reason…
  • If you don’t get a few new compliments from your spouse or friends…
  • If you don’t get a few new compliments from your spouse or friends…
  • In fact, if you don’t lose at least 7 lbs of pure fat in the first week…

Simply call our English-speaking customer service at 1-800-259-9522 or send us an email.

You’ll get a quick, no-hassle refund of every penny you paid.

No questions. No hoops. No conditions.

Which means, if you take action today, you risk nothing.

However, if you miss out on the 250 discounted bottles we’ve set aside today…

You will risk paying full price in the future.

Make Your Selection Below Now, to Try VivaSlim at the Lowest Price You’ll Ever See.


20% OFF


$14 MORE

per bottle





SPEND $14 MORE per bottle







20% OFF


per bottle





LOWEST PRICE per bottle







20% OFF



per bottle





SPEND $6 MORE per bottle






Those are the most common questions I get about VivaSlim™.

Hopefully, your question was answered there.

But if you’re still wondering if it’s right for you…

Honestly, the only way to find out now is to claim your desired VivaSlim™ package by clicking on one of the three buttons, and completing your secure order.

Try It Out—Risk-Free.

Feel the changes, and then
decide to keep
VivaSlim as part
of your daily life.

Isn’t it better to find out now, rather than wonder "what if?" for the rest of your life?

Your body and your health are all you really have…

And your enjoyment of life and the world around you is based on how you feel.

How you feel is based on the chemical composition of your body; your body’s internal balance.

It’s no wonder people these days don’t feel healthy and alive like they used to.

There’s an imbalance. It’s not natural to feel bad all the time.

Life Is Short.

How many healthy years do you really have left?

I can’t promise this will put years on your life. No one can.

But it will put life into your years.

There aren’t many things you can buy for such a low price—that will do so much
for you.

You can eat a meal at your favorite restaurant, or fill up your gas tank one time…

But how many things can actually change your life and the quality of your everyday experiences, for that price?

I can’t think of many.

You either continue to miss out on having the great life experiences we’re all entitled to, or you take the better option.

The only option that really makes sense…

Which Is to Simply

Try VivaSlim, and Help Your
Body Do What It Is Meant to Do.

Imagine waking up in the morning
feeling slimmer, and healthier…

Fully ready to take on the world, and all the opportunities life has to offer.

Go ahead and click the button below, and pick from three money-saving options.


20% OFF


$14 MORE

per bottle





SPEND $14 MORE per bottle







20% OFF


per bottle





LOWEST PRICE per bottle







20% OFF



per bottle





SPEND $6 MORE per bottle






Remember… you’re fully protected by our 365-day, 100% money-back guarantee.

I promise you’ll love how VivaSlim™ will make you feel.

But if you don’t notice a rapid and powerful awakening of your body, just give us a call or send us an email…

And we’ll refund your purchase in full.

You really have nothing to lose…

And a healthy, vibrant, thinner, and lively body to gain.

You’re going to love the way you look and feel.

Make it a great day today—a VivaSlim™ day.

These Folks Have
Embraced VivaSlim,
and They’re Not Looking Back:

“The brain fog I’ve been suffering
from for years just went away and I’m sharper than ever.”

“I’d been thin all my life. But I had 3 kids, and gained more and more weight during each pregnancy—in total, 54 lbs.

Now, I’ve lost all those pounds. I feel fabulous, and I’m wearing cute dresses again, and getting attention like in my younger years.

Oh, and something happened that I didn’t expect: The brain fog I’d been suffering from for years just went away, and I’m sharper than ever.”

— Patricia, 43 (Miami, Florida)

“I lost 36 lbs,
and the other day...”

“I’m a retired firefighter with 3 kids and 4 grandkids. I can outrun and outwork all of them. I lost 36 lbs, and the other day—just for giggles—I put on my old wrestling gear from college. Man, I looked fit, and my wife loved it.”

— Sean, 69 (Des Moines, Iowa)

“It’s been 6 months since then and
I’ve lost a staggering 49 pounds of ugly fat!
I’m a changed woman. ”

“I’d been chubby all my life, and tried every trendy diet over the past 25+ years. There is so much pressure to look fit—especially out here on the West Coast with the beach culture.

Nothing worked, until I started following this simple ritual. I dropped 7 lbs the first week. It’s been 6 months since then, and I’ve lost a staggering 49 lbs of ugly fat!

I’m a changed woman. And I’ve found this self-esteem I never thought I had. And that’s not all. My husband, who’d seemed to have lost interest in me after our second child was born, now can’t keep his hands off me. If I’d only known about this solution sooner…”

— Linda, 55 (San Diego, California)

“I could cry now, thinking about where my life might be if I hadn’t discovered VivaSlim.”

“I thought I was doomed to living the rest of my life dealing with the shame and body pain that come from chronic obesity and inflammation.

I could cry now, thinking about where my life might be if I hadn’t discovered VivaSlim™. I’m down 39 lbs, but more importantly...I am full of energy, I feel less stressed, and I sleep better now than I have in 10 years.”

— Charmaine, 56 (Wichita, Kansas)

“In just a few months,
I’ve lost 46 lbs.”

“I really can’t believe it.
In just a few months, I’ve lost 46 lbs. Now, I’ve got more energy than my grandkids!”

— David Greene, 61 (Clemson, South Carolina)

“I lost 20 lbs in one month—with no exercise.”

“Wonderful! I'm really happy with these drops!
I lost 20 lbs in one month—with no exercise.
It’s working very well for me so far.”

— Emily Peters, 47 (Kansas City, Missouri)

“With VivaSlim,
I have lost almost
22 lbs in 5 weeks.”

“Good results thus far. When I joined Weight Watchers years ago, I didn't even lose 5 lbs during my 3-month membership—so that was a bust. With VivaSlim™, I have lost almost 22 lbs in 5 weeks.”

— Cindy Dojellio, 52 (Eureka Springs, Arkansas)

“I’m one week into it,
and have already lost 8.7 lbs...”

“I love VivaSlim™. I’m one week into it, and have already lost 8.7 lbs...even with a cheat day where I ate lots of birthday cake!”

— Nancy Rodriguez, 49 (Duluth, Minnesota)

“I feel amazing, and my husband
can’t keep his hands off me.”

“Wow, wow, wow! What else can I say? I feel beautiful. I feel amazing, and my husband can’t keep his hands off me. This is a totally new life for me. I just wish I’d known about it sooner…”

— Susan Howell, 51 (Bloomington, Illinois)

“I’ve lost 56 lbs and feel incredible!”

“I’m 4 months into using VivaSlim™, and I’m happy to say that I will never, ever, be shopping in plus-size women’s stores again. I’ve lost 56 lbs and feel incredible!”

— Kristen Otto, 53 (Fargo, North Dakota)

So, What Are You
Waiting For?

Make your selection below now,
and try VivaSlim without risking
a penny.

So, What Are You
Waiting For?

Make your selection
below now,
and try VivaSlim without risking a penny.

I can’t wait for you to be our next success story.


20% OFF


$14 MORE

per bottle





SPEND $14 MORE per bottle







20% OFF


per bottle





LOWEST PRICE per bottle







20% OFF



per bottle





SPEND $6 MORE per bottle

































