Simple Promise™

How An Embarrassing
Christmas Dinner Transformed Me To Be In My Best Shape

“Don’t drink that eggnog… you may as well pour it in a Ziploc bag and tape it to your thighs.

My dad said to me at the dinner table.

Instantly, my sister started giggling and my mom looked at me with pity.

It was Christmas Eve, and I had prepared for this moment for months.

You see, I only visit my family once a year and they always fat-shame me...

Because I grew up in a family of naturally thin people...

My Dad Always Called Me "The Big Pasty Thing" While My Younger Sister Was His "Little Princess".

This year I wanted to prove to him I wasn't fat...

That’s why for the past 3 months I only ate broccoli and chicken.

And pushed myself through hours of grueling cardio workouts every morning.

I dropped 8 lbs…

It wasn’t much but I was proud and gained new confidence.

So when the big day came, the first thing my mom said when she saw me:

“Oh, seems like they’re feeding you well over there on the West Coast.”

Nobody even noticed how I lost weight.

Why is it so easy for them to stay thin even though they eat cookies, burgers, fries, and ice cream…

While I can’t lose weight, even on the strictest chicken & broccoli diet?

I loved my mom’s delicious homemade eggnog.

So I wanted to soothe my soul with it .

… and as I was about to take a sip...

My dad yelled:

“Hey, Big Pasty Thing, don’t drink that eggnog…
You may as well pour it in a Ziploc bag and tape it to your thighs.”

Everyone was quiet and all eyes were on me.

Normally they would be laughing but they knew he had gone too far.

At that Moment, All the Stress of the Past Few Weeks Had Built Up, and His Comment Put Me Over the Top.

I burst into tears… ran from the dinner table, and locked myself in the bathroom.

At that Moment, All the Stress of the Past Few Weeks Had Built Up, and His Comment Put Me Over the Top.

I burst into tears… ran from the dinner table, and locked myself in the bathroom.

I looked in the mirror, disgusted at my reflection...

And took a step back to be able to see my body from top to bottom.

I could see the fat flaps hanging over my bra.

I tried all the diets out there to get rid of it…

I jogged every morning even though my joints ached.

But the scale never moved.

At least, not in the right direction.

This was a breaking point for me...

But I’m grateful it happened because it led me to discover a something that helped me with weight management.

I Also Discovered the
Real Underlying Reason Why I Was Struggling to Lose Weight…

And it was not my thyroid, my adrenal glands, or my gut, like so many doctors or weight-loss gurus want you to believe.

In fact it’s an organ most so-called experts don’t even consider an organ.

It completely flies under their radar, like a stealth bomber on a deadly mission.

Yet when you restore the natural balance of this organ… with one simple squeeze that puts all fat cells into “release mode”.

The fat flows right out of your hips, thighs, belly, and back… never to be seen again.

When I first heard of this technique, I was skeptical. But when I tried it myself and...

This Surprisingly Simple Squeeze Would Switch All My Fat Cells Into “Release Mode” and Help Me Drop Some Weight.

Hi, my name is Laura Johnson**.

I’m 41 years old and live in a small town near Portland, Washington with my husband and my two beautiful sons.

And I want you to know from the start that I’m not a doctor, nor a professional nutritionist or weight loss guru.

So two years ago we flew from Portland, Oregon to Florida for Christmas to see my family.

We would see them only once a year and I would always dread it.

Because my entire life, growing up, my younger sister was always the pretty little girl and I was the opposite.

And my dad would let me know.

He’d tell me:

“Why in the crap are you eating that? You don’t need it. You’re fat as it is.”

My Whole Life He’s
Told Me that I’m Not Pretty.

That’s why deep down I feel so much
hatred towards my father.

By the time we got to Florida I had lost 11 pounds and was proud of myself.

Maybe my dad would see it too, hoping we could have a civil Christmas.

But he didn’t see it and the nagging was worse than ever.

My younger sister Jennifer looked more beautiful than ever, despite having had her 2nd baby just a few months prior…

I’ve always been in my sister's shadow.

So when I wanted to reward myself the discipline of the past 30 days by having a glass of my mom’s famous homemade eggnog, my dad made that horrible comment.

That’s when I promised myself I would find a solution to my weight problems.

So I decided to fire up my laptop and search for the root cause of weight gain.

I had one question in mind:

Why is it So Easy For Some
People to Stay Thin No Matter
What They Eat...

While others only look at food and gain another 10 lbs?

I read Wikipedia, forum posts, bought e-books by the weight loss gurus, read the scientific research papers…

And continued this on the flight back home and every night for the next few weeks.

What I found flew in the face of everything I had heard before.

And that’s when I stumbled upon a book called “The Adipose Tissue and Adipokines in Health and Disease”:

Written by Dr. Giamila Fantuzzi***, professor of nutrition at the University of Illinois at Chicago.

Where she presents a “new organ” of the human body that contains the secret to weight loss.

Well, it’s not entirely NEW…

But scientists have never considered this body part an “organ” like your heart or liver.

You see, the real reason why you can’t lose weight lies right in your fat cells.

New studies reveal fat cells play an active role in weight loss.

Researchers now call fat cells the “adipose organ” or “fat organ”:

“Mammals are Provided
With An Organ That Has Been Neglected By Scientists In the Past: The Adipose Organ.” 1

Yes, fat is an organ just like your heart, liver, or thyroid.

“Mammals are Provided With an Organ That Has Been Neglected By Scientists In the Past: The Adipose Organ.” 1

Yes, fat is an organ just like your heart, liver, or thyroid.

Think of every fat cell in your body as a little dam.

A dam that stores fat instead of water.

Just like a dam, a fat cell has a switch that puts it in ‘store’ or ‘release’ mode...

Where store means ‘hold on to the fat, don’t let it out’...

And release tells the cell to open the gate for fat to flow out.

And here’s the thing all scientists missed:

This gate that’s in each and every fat cell isn’t controlled by your brain or your gut or the food you eat.

It doesn’t react to how many calories you burn on the treadmill every day…

Instead, it’s controlled by the fat cell itself.

As it turns out, your fat cells produce ‘fat hormones’ to help these fat cells move.

Since we found the first fat-hormone, hundreds more have been discovered.

And one of the main fat-burning hormones we discovered is called adiponectin.

Adiponectin is the Switch
that Puts Your Fat Cells From
Storage Mode Into Release Mode.

That means, if you're able to increase the amount of adiponectin in your body...

Fat would be released from your cells...

And you'd see your belly shrink, your arm flaps disappear, and your thighs get smaller…

This finally explains why it’s so hard for some people to lose weight, no matter how much they exercise or how little they eat.

When adiponectin levels are low, the cells are in storage mode.

They hold on to the fat they have, and even crave more.

Now, it all made sense to me.

The next logical step is to increase the amount of adiponectin in my blood and fat cells.

But Unfortunately the
Studies Seemed to Stop There.

They didn’t tell me how to raise adiponectin levels.

But Unfortunately the Studies Seemed to Stop There.

They didn’t tell me how to raise adiponectin levels.

I was so close to finding a solution yet the most important piece of the puzzle was missing.

It wasn’t until I ran into an old friend back home in Oregon… and his name is Alex***.

I almost didn’t recognize him because he looked better than ever.

Back then, he weighed 220 lbs at 5ft9 and always seemed stressed out.

Now, 10 years later, he looked like a Greek statue and was full of energy.

What in the world could he have done to make such a change?

I was scared to ask him but I did anyways because I just had to know.

Alex ordered a double cheeseburger with fries and cheesecake for dessert.

“How can you eat all this and stay so lean?”
I was baffled.

Alex Told Me the Truth About
His Weight Loss Journey.

His entire life, he struggled with his weight.

Alex Told Me the Truth About His Weight Loss Journey.

His entire life, he struggled with his weight.

He grew up in a ‘big’ family, where it was normal to be a few pounds overweight.

And when he got older, had kids, and turned 40, things got really worse.

Stuck behind a desk all day, he grew bigger and bigger until one day he looked in the mirror and didn’t recognize himself anymore.

He decided to change, for his own sake and for his kids.

He’s Now the Lead Researcher
for Simple Promise

A natural health company that’s already helped over 400,000 men and women reach their health goals through well researched – but sometimes ‘hidden’ – natural health secrets.

He’s Now the Lead Researcher for Simple Promise

A natural health company that’s already helped over 400,000 men and women reach their health goals through well researched – but sometimes ‘hidden’ – natural health secrets.

And every year or so, his company sends him on research trips across the world, to find it and bring them back home.

As it turns out, the expert that Alex is, he’s already well aware of the fat-hormone adiponectin…

And how it’s produced by every fat cell in your body to send the ‘fat burn signal’ and release fat from the cells.

He Discovered a Fruit that
Helps Them Stay Lean.

But it’s not the actual fruit itself that
is praised for its health benefits.

He Discovered a Fruit that Helps Them Stay Lean.

But it’s not the actual fruit itself that is praised for its health benefits.

Instead, it’s the seed inside the fruit.

And you can’t just eat it.

You need to process it first and they have many ways of doing that.

For example, grinding the seed down and using it to bake a cake…

But the best way is to extract the liquid.

This fruit is called Irvingia Gabonensis, or IG in short.

During his research, Alex found that the right African Mango seed has incredible benefits.

For example:

The journal “Lipids in Health and Disease” published a randomized double-blind placebo-controlled study4 (the gold standard for scientific studies) on this novel seed extract, and found:

“IG significantly reduces body weight and improves metabolic parameters in overweight humans.”

102 natives with a BMI of 26 to 40 were split into two groups.

One group got a placebo, the other 150mg IG twice daily before meals for 10 weeks.

At the end of the study period, there was a significant difference between the treatment group and placebo group for body weight.

The Treatment Group Who Received IG Lost on Average 28.2 lbs! And the Control Group Lost 1.5 lbs.

In other words, they lost 1,800% more weight!

The Treatment Group Who Received IG Lost on Average 28.2 lbs! And the Control Group Lost 1.5 lbs.

In other words, they lost 1,800% more weight!

Not only that, but their waist circumference shrank by 6.37 inches. And they reduced their body fat percentage by 6.3%.

They concluded that “IG favorably impacts adipogenesis through […] adiponectin.

So what about the adiponectin levels?

They grew quickly.

They were already up by 40% after only 2 weeks.

That’s amazing, because remember:

When your adiponectin levels are high, it means your fat cells are in release mode...

So weight loss becomes easy and you can finally have your youthful, slender body back.

While IG played a big part of Alex’s transformation…

He said he wanted to create the best weight loss and youth formula in history…

Combining IG with Other Nutritious Herbs and Healthy Proteins.

Something that was even more effective, not just for himself but for other people he came into contact with:

Combining IG with Other Nutritious Herbs and Healthy Proteins.

Something that was even more effective, not just for himself but for other people he came into contact with:


First up is Niacin, an essential nutrient that has been shown to increase adiponectin by 21% and reduce inflammation.5


an herb used by the people in Russia and all throughout Scandinavia to support positive and healthy mood


The fourth addition is called Astragalus… an herb that has been used in traditional Chinese medicine for centuries to support healthy immune system response and healthy aging


The next ingredient is L-Ornithine which has been shown to increase Lean Body Mass. 10

This means it’ll help you lose fat and build muscle at the same time, so you slim down and your thighs and butt are firm and look sexy in your new pair of denim jeans.


A meta-analysis of L-Carnitine revealed that subjects who received carnitine lost significantly more weight and showed a decrease in body mass index compared with the control group.11


L-arginine is an essential amino acid that has been shown in a 300-person study to stimulate fat metabolism for weight-management.


Now L-Glutamine is a great addition, because a “pilot study shows that glutamine is safe and effective in healthy weight loss”.


Next up is Maca, a plant native to Peru with thousands of studies demonstrating it significantly improves lipid and glucose metabolism.14


Last but not least: Beta-Alanine is an amino acid that may help fight the aging process and improve heart health.15

So before Alex and I finished our dinner, he told me how to prepare his weight loss formula by combining the right ingredients.

That’s when it hit me:

Sourcing the right ingredients....

Like IG, Maca and the herb Rhodiola from Scandinavia while making sure they’re all high quality when they get here to Oregon was going to be the real challenge.

So the next morning I got to work:

I contacted suppliers from all over the world and within a few weeks I had all the ingredients I needed.

Then I baked the seeds and dried the leaves and worked to grind them down and adjust the ratios...

And I had enough of the mixture to last me a week or so.

This was with Alex’s exact instructions.

I took what I had, twice a day with a meal.

And the First Day
Nothing Happened, But on the
Second Day I Leaped Out of Bed…

My energy was through the roof!

And the First Day Nothing Happened, But on the Second Day I Leaped Out of Bed…

My energy was through the roof!

I felt different, though I couldn’t put it into words yet…

By the end of the week, I dropped a few weights and felt lighter, more energetic and my tummy was visibly flatter.

But here’s the problem: I had already run out of ingredients.

There must be an alternative…

Because remember, when you take IG, your adiponectin levels keep rising, even after 10 weeks.

Imagine how my fat would melt away if I could take Alex’s formula for a month, three months, or even 6 months.

I gave Alex a call and told him what happened.

How I took the formula for a week and the quick results I got.

“Good job. You’ve done the work…”

He congratulated me.

“I wanted to see how badly you wanted to lose weight. I felt your passion during our dinner, but you know, actions speak louder than words.”

“The truth is, there’s a more convenient way to get my special formula…”

That’s When He Told Me
He Had Already Done the Work
at Simple Promise

When he saw the potential, he wanted to make his formula available for everyone.

That’s When He Told Me He Had Already Done the Work at Simple Promise

When he saw the potential, he wanted to make his formula available for everyone.

So he thought that if he bought the ingredients in bulk and manufactured them in the USA, he could produce it in the quantities he needed.

His facility at Simple Promise is cGMP certified, and all ingredients are 100% natural.

But before he went into mass production and made it available to the market, he wanted to test it.

That’s where I came in.

I couldn’t wait to get started…

Next week, Alex gave me an entire bottle with all the ingredients already combined.

After a week of using Alex’s formula… I noticed that I dropped a few pounds...

A week later I went out with my friend Jackie for lunch.

We had burgers and fries and it was delicious and I enjoyed every bite…

Until I was full.

I stopped, with most of the fries still there because I was fully satisfied and I didn’t feel hungry until dinner time.

No more cravings.

That’s Why Losing Weight
Became So Effortless.

That’s Why Losing Weight Became So Effortless.

Don’t get me wrong, I would still enjoy pizza, chips, ice cream, and cookies when I wanted to…

But sometimes a few bites were enough to satisfy my appetite and hunger.

I enjoyed life with more energy than I can remember having before…

Maybe even more energy than I had in high school...

And before I knew it, I watched myself in the mirror one morning and realized I had looked totally different!

None of My Clothes Fit Anymore
- They were So Baggy...

And I had to hold my pants up with a new belt.

None of My Clothes Fit Anymore - They were So Baggy...

And I had to hold my pants up with a new belt.

That’s when I ran to my closet where, deep down in the very back, I had stored my favorite summer dress from my college years…

I put it on and asked Michael, my husband, to close the zipper…

And I couldn’t believe how easily it slid up.

That’s when Michael grabbed me by the shoulders, turned me around, pulled me in and gave me the most passionate kiss we had in years.

I felt so feminine and sexy and it didn’t take long until he took my dress off again and pushed me onto the bed where you know what happened.

I had broken the cycle of low adiponectin and my fat cells being in storage mode, and I finally felt like myself again.

So I told Alex what happened and that it was time to get the fat-release formula into as many hands as possible right now.

But he said we weren’t ready yet.

We had to test it on a larger group first.

And Not Just on Any Person,
But People Who Were At Least
30 lbs Overweight...

And had really screwed-up adiponectin levels and fat cells that were in storage mode.

And Not Just on Any Person, But People Who Were At Least 30 lbs Overweight...

And had really screwed-up adiponectin levels and fat cells that were in storage mode.

He was right, one person wasn’t proof it worked…

And I knew right away who to ask!

Because the week before, I met my friends, Melanie and Rose* * * *, at the supermarket who didn’t recognize me at first…

And when they realized it was me, they turned green with jealousy!

Both of them had a BMI of at least 30 so they were perfect…

And we asked their husbands to join in too.

The Results Blew Us Away and Were Better Than We Imagined.

After a few weeks, all 4 of them reported back with a dramatic weight loss.

The Results Blew Us Away and Were Better Than We Imagined.

After a few weeks, all 4 of them reported back with a dramatic weight loss.

Their tummies were flatter and had more energy to enjoy life.

It was obvious that we were ready to make the drops available to everyone.

Obesity had to end.

So we created a natural supplement that will allow you to address the root cause of obesity: Low adiponectin levels.

And to build your adiponectin levels back up to a natural and healthy level, and put all your fat cells in release mode, so they can free up the fat that’s been stored for years and melt it away.

We call it...


Because it tells your Adipocytes (fat cells) to go into Release mode... the only 100%-natural blend that addresses the root cause of belly fat: Lack of adiponectin.

That’s why we have sourced the purest quality 11 plant extracts and vitamins, proteins, and minerals and put it in a container with easy to portions drops to take three times a day before your meals.

VivaSlim is produced in the Simple Promise facilities that are in the USA and GMP-certified and follow strict sterile and precise standards.

VivaSlim drops do not contain any dangerous toxins or stimulants and are not habit-forming, despite being more potent than any diet available.

They help you melt away ugly belly fat to give you a flat tummy, while improving your overall health.

If you want to reach your weight-loss goal, you’ll want to try VivaSlim as soon as possible.

Because remember:

Studies have shown that when you take IG, the core ingredient of VivaSlim, your adiponectin levels keep rising for at least 10 weeks.

So that you can start losing weight and transform into a new, younger you…

You first need to ask yourself:

How much is it worth to you to take back control of your life and happiness?




Alex and I Argued Back and Forth…

About how much should we offer
a 30-day supply of VivaSlim.

Alex and I Argued Back and Forth…

About how much should we offer a 30-day supply of VivaSlim..

Considering the years of research, the trips to Africa and other remote areas of the world, the sourcing of the ingredients, the strict production standards of our GMP-certified facility in the USA…

And all our time we invested in this…

$597 would be a fair price.

And when we asked our 31,578 successful customers, many of them told us they would gladly invest this much for the fat-burning sensation that is VivaSlim.

But listen, this is not about the money for Alex or me.

We want to help as many people to lose weight, look and feel good about their body.

And now it’s finally possible with our VivaSlim formula.

That’s why I want to make our formula available to everyone, not just the rich and famous.

All I want is to cover the cost of the ingredients and the production, as well as keep the site running for as long as I can.

Soon I might have to raise the investment for a 30-day supply of VivaSlim to $99 or more…

But our successful customers told us that they save well over $300 every month on food and medical bills since starting with VivaSlim, so even $99 would be a net profit.

For you though, since you’ve read this letter all the way through, I can tell that you’re serious and I want to make you a special offer.

You can Get a 30-Day Supply of VivaSlim for Just $49!

Yes, only $49 for 30 days of our adiponectin-boosting formula, so you can be on your way to your weight-loss journey.

But what’s even better is when you stock up today and order more bottles… so you can save more!


Studies have shown that when you take IG, the core ingredient of VivaSlim, your adiponectin levels keep rising for at least 10 weeks.

And probably longer.

I mean, the study ended after 10 weeks, so that’s all the clinical data we have for now.

That’s why Alex and I recommend investing in at least a 90-day supply or even better, a 180-day supply.

Our own tests suggest that...

Adiponectin Levels Keep Rising
As Long As You Use VivaSlim for Healthy Weight Loss.

So take the supplement for at least 90 days
or even better, 180 days, to make sure
you reach your ideal weight.

To make the decision even easier, we will give you a discount when you order 3 or 6 bottles.

You can get 3 bottles (a 90-day supply) for only $39 per bottle.

Or 6 bottles (a 180-day supply) for only $31 per bottle.

That’s a great deal.

Imagine trying to buy each ingredient of this adiponectin-boosting formula separately; it can cost a pretty penny!

For example, just take a look at what a month’s supply of each costs online…

Irvingia Gabonensis $33.06
Rhodiola $19.99
Astragalus $22.99
L-Ornithine $11.56
L-Carnitine $20.26
L-Arginine $19.99
L-Glutamine $9.99
Maca $24.95
Niacin $29.95
Pygeum Africanum $27.95
Beta-Alanine $12.00
TOTAL $232.69

Again, once you're ready to order...

Pick your favorite option of either a 30-, 90-, or 180-day supply, click the Add-To-Cart button and you’ll be taken to a secure checkout page.

On the checkout page, simply fill in your delivery address as well as payment details.

You can use credit card, debit card, or PayPal.

Right after you’ve filled in your information and confirmed your order, your bottles of VivaSlim will be shipped from our US-based warehouse right to your doorstep.

With free shipping.

When you order today, it is a one-time payment with no subscription or hidden charges.

Keep in mind that VivaSlim can only be purchased on this page and nowhere else.

Take advantage of this deal now by clicking the add-to-cart button below and you’ll be taken to a secure checkout page:

Buy 1 bottle Buy 1 bottle
Buy 6 bottle Buy 6 bottle
Buy 3 bottle Buy 3 bottle

I’m so confident that you’ll love VivaSlim that I’ll give you a 100% no questions asked 365-day money-back guarantee.

If you’re not 100% fully satisfied with VivaSlim…

Simply send our customer service team an email or give us a call and we’ll immediately issue a prompt and courteous refund.

You can do this any time between the date of your purchase and 180 days after.

That gives you enough time to evaluate VivaSlim for yourself. So choose your favorite package and click the add to cart button now:

100% Money-Back Guarantee!

At Simple Promise™, we are so sure of the effectiveness of our product that we are willing to put the entire risk on us. Our industry best 365 Days Money Back Guarantee states that either you’re 100% satisfied, or your money back. You can place your order safely knowing that absolutely nothing can go wrong.

Give VivaSlim™ a try and see the difference it brings to your life. If at any time you are not happy with VivaSlim™, just send back your empty bottles and we will refund you immediately. No questions asked. We pride ourselves in our product and service and want you to be absolutely satisfied.

Buy 1 bottle Buy 1 bottle
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You Really Have
Two Options Right Now.

You Really Have Two Options Right Now.

Option one:
You can stop reading now, close the page and do nothing. And you will remain the same as you are right now.

Or Option two:
risk nothing today.

Secure your supply of VivaSlim right now, and see for yourself how well it works and how simple it is.

Just 10 drops three times a day before your meals to support healthy weight loss.

So pick your preferred option below and click the Add-To-Cart button.

Buy 1 bottle Buy 1 bottle
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Buy 3 bottle Buy 3 bottle

Frequently Asked Questions

Good question. Are you struggling to lose weight?

If so, then VivaSlim is right for you. Because recent studies have shown that the root cause of obesity for people over 40 is that the fat organ in your body doesn’t create enough adiponectin.

Adiponectin is the hormone that tells your fat cells to release fat, so your body can burn it. This is how the VivaSlim helps you with healthy weight-loss.

VivaSlim has been designed for all ages and medical conditions, in a GMP-certified and facility here in the United States. So rest assured that VivaSlim is safe.

If you have any medical condition or you’re taking prescription medication, take a bottle of this supplement to your doctor, show him the label and put your mind at ease.

Just mix 10 drops in water or beverage of your choice 3 times daily.

A dropper will be provided with each bottle.

Yes, every order of VivaSlim is covered by a 60-day money-back guarantee. If for any reason you didn’t like it, send us back the container back for a full refund even if it's empty.

As long as possible.

As long as we can keep it online.

Keep in mind that we only source the highest-quality ingredients and VivaSlim™ is selling fast.

Once we run out, it can take us 3 to 6 months or more to create another batch.

Better secure your order of VivaSlim™ now.

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